Schedule An Author Visit

JR league webDebbie has an entertaining presentation for any size event. She has entertained children at holiday Junior League events, presented interactive author visits at elementary and pre-schools, and entertained and engaged adults in creative conversations during conferences and organization meetings.

Big group or small, preschoolers to grammas, you should definitely consider Debbie Reece for an author visit. – Lorelei Perkins- Melissa Public Library

Debbie lives north of Dallas, Texas, so, travel expenses may apply. Contact us below for more details. See reviews.

hug vae visit webWhen you schedule your author visit, we will provide you with cross curriculum and creative art suggestions, an Accelerated Reader test, and an order form to duplicate and distribute to the students. We can discuss our “giving back to libraries” campaign and how to make this a wonderful author visit for all grades.

Mrs. Reece has a very entertaining and interactive way of sharing her story with children of all ages when she does an author visit – Southgate Elementary school

Barnes and NobleAuthor visits are set in half-day, full-day, or evening events, depending on your school’s lunch and bell schedule. For a school setting, the presentation will take about 15-30 minutes for small sessions and roughly 30-45 minutes for larger groups. Debbie can project the story illustrations on a screen while she reads. She can bring her original work and talk about what an author does, what an illustrator does and the process of turning her story into a book. Debbie offers a simple question and answer period to review the story. If there is time, she will answer questions about writing or the creative process.

elem school author visit web

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Mrs. Reece is a very entertaining and informative speaker. She involved the children in the reading of both books, and discussed the writing process and inspiration for her stories.